Monday, July 21, 2008

John McCain's Military Service

Fred Kanter of Mountain Lakes wrote in our daily newspaper the fact that Senator John McCain served in the military does not necessarily qualify him to be President, and I agree. It is what he did not do that qualifies him to be President. While a P.O.W. and the son of a U.S. Navy admiral he had the opportunity to go home. He refused, because the Vietnamese would not include his fellow prisoners. That qualifies him to be President.

1 comment:

Joseph J. Hehir said...

In 1982 John McCain ran for congress in Arizona. Since he was a newcomer there, he was heckled as a carpetbagger on a number of occasions. This is his reply to one heckler. “Listen, pal. I spent 22 years in the Navy. My father was in the Navy. My grandfather was in the Navy. We in the military service tend to move a lot. We have to live in all parts of the country, all parts of the world. I wish I could have had the luxury, like you, of growing up and living and spending my entire life in a nice place like the First District of Arizona, but I was doing other things. As a matter of fact, when I think about it now, the place I lived longest in my life was Hanoi.” He won the election.