Sunday, August 31, 2008

Our new home in Old Niskayuna

I have been reading up on slate roofs lately. I don’t know if buying a 65-year-old house in Old Niskayuna, NY with a slate roof with a 75-year-old life expectancy is going to be a very, very expensive can of worms. I kind of think it will be. We’ll see for sure after the first of November.


Michael Hehir said...

Wait, how can you have a 75-year-old roof on a 65-year-old house?

Oh well, how hard can it be to fix a slate roof? It's just a bunch of rocks...

Joseph J. Hehir said...

I meant to say a 75 year life expectancy slate roof.

Michael Hehir said...

I know, I'm just messing with you.

:-) <-- smiley face

norm said...

There are a lot of those around here, and you're right about repair. Matching slates in good condition are hard to find and pricey. When they go on the fritz here, folks usually just sell the remaining slates and replace the roof with conventional shingles, but this often means having the roof sheeted, as it usually isn't with a slate roof. On the good side, those things seem to last forever. Good luck, and your new place looks beautiful.

Joseph J. Hehir said...

Thanks Norm. If you go to Michael Hehir’s blog (A Bunch of Random Stuff), you will see Bigfoot stomping on my-soon-to-be new home’s slate roof while inspecting it. Oh well, what are a few more broken slates to fix here and there anyway? It’s good for call back business.

Joseph J. Hehir said...

But all houses in Old Niskayuna are a can of worms. That's what makes it so interesting.